February 11, 2011

"Snow" Days...

***IGNORE the quality of these pictures please! I took them ALL with my i.phone because my camera was snowed in at my Mom and Dad's!
I've been pretty lazy these last couple of weeks...I'm not sure if it's pregnancy or my desire to hibernate when it's cold...but I've accomplished maybe a fourth of my "to-do" list and feeling kind of behind. Over the last two weeks DFW and many parts of Texas have been off for a total of FIVE BAD WEATHER DAYS! "Snow Days" is not the appropriate phrase because it only really snowed one of the five. We painted nails, read books, watched movies, did a little art, played B.arbies, M.y L.ittle P.onies, cooked fun meals, made Valentines, etc. So, on Friday when it actually did snow, we decided to venture outside our front door for a bit...

Our little town home complex....

My sweet snow bunny! I can't get enough of this coat!

Anna Claire tried making a snow angel...

Then we (Mommy) were big babies and came on in to make some YUMMY snow ice cream!

She set up a "wedding" in her room with her dolls "Matt" and "Dolly". I couldn't resist taking a picture of this! She is writing and reading more and more every day! The kindergarten teacher in me just LOVES this stage!

I was proud of myself because over our "Snow-cation" I decided to cook something different for breakfast. I've never made french toast. (I know...I know....but my Mom is the next thing to Martha Stewart so I've been a bit hesitant of the kitchen!) I have to toot my own horn and say IT WAS GREAT!

Here's my sweet girl (I cannot believe she'll be SIX in May!) in her snow woman jumper before church! She insisted on pig tails! I just love having a girly-girl!

And my first belly shot of this pregnancy (weird pj pants indention and all) at 15 weeks! I almost didn't post it, but I am doing this blog for our benefit, so there you have it! I'm embracing the maternity pants SO much faster this pregnancy! UGH! We find out what we're having in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS though and we couldn't be more excited! People ask if we have a preference and the answer is....HEALTHY!

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